Rat Removal Guelph Professional Services

Most people use an electric rat trap to perform rat control Guelph. Rats can often get out of glue and snap traps. Even though they are cheap and do the job, many people say it's too much trouble to deal with half-dead mice.

Getting a rat is a lot like getting a mouse. The only difference is that rats are smarter than mice, so they won't run away as soon as they see food or water. This could make it take a little longer to catch a rat.

How much human rat traps cost?

Costing about $25, humane rat traps let you get rid of the bugs away from your home. Because of their size, humane rat traps can also be used to catch mice, groundhogs, and skunks. Once you set a rat trap, try to keep it in the same place because rats don't like when their environment changes.

Use a tempting trail of peanut butter to lure the mouse into the trap. You can use almost anything (fruit, chocolate, etc.) as bait, but peanut butter works best because it stays fresh for a long time and is hard to move.

Peanut butter doesn't work well in some traps because rats can lick it clean without setting off the trap. If you find yourself in this pest control Guelph situation, just put some floss in the peanut butter. So, the rat would have to move the trap device in order to get all of the peanut butter.

Purchasing poison bait products on the market

There are poison bait products on the market, but you shouldn't use them because dead mice can end up in hard-to-reach places around your home. If the rat doesn't stay in the trap with the poisoned food and goes somewhere else, you might have a dead rat somewhere but not know where.

Once you have rid your home of rats. Now is the time to make sure they don't come back. Close up any holes on the outside of your house. Rats like to live in basements and attics, so check both of these places carefully.

Cement that has pieces of metal in it works well. It will also help if the outside of the closed hole is smooth, so that the rats have nothing to hold onto if they try to chew through it again. Make sure the outside of your house is free of trash (which rats can use as cover), food (seal your trash in containers), and water (leave your dog's water bowl inside).

Precautionary measures to follow

When performing rat removal Guelph, you should always wear gloves and wash your hands afterward. They can spread germs that can make you sick. To clean up rat poop or pee, you should wear gloves and a mask. Use a broom to pick up the droppings and put them in a plastic bag to throw away. Lastly, use an enzyme-based cleaner to make sure the area is clean.