Rat Removal Guelph: Getting Rid of Rats Cheaply as a Beginner

Pest control Guelph for getting rid of rats doesn't have to cost a lot of money. But you should do it effectively even if you don't have the latest and greatest high-tech rat control gadgets. Some of the best strategies for getting rid of rats don't even have to break the bank.

Seal all possible entry points to eliminate the rat population

Look for damage, such as holes or cracks, even if it's only a quarter or half an inch long. Rats can exploit small gaps and holes, so sealing them up as soon as possible are important. If you have copper wire mesh, this is a great technique to patch a damaged area. Scrubbers for copper pots are also available from copper mesh.

Caulk or growing building foam is the best option for keeping the mesh in place. This prevents the rodents from escaping through the hole by pushing the mesh out. If the vent holes are tiny enough, you can plug them with heavy wire metal cloth.

Wooden rat traps are effective because of their simplicity

Rat control Guelph from an attic or shed by setting out as many baited traps as possible. This is complete to eliminate many rats before they get wise to traps. The traps can be baited with whatever you happen to have lying around.

Save money at the grocery shop. Peanut butter, almonds, chocolates, and bacon, to name a few, are popular baits. If you want the rats to become accustomed to feeding from the traps, you should fill them for a week before setting them.

The oils in rats' fur leave dark smudges, which you can use to position your snap traps. The best location for a trap's trigger is up against a wall. Since they are effective and one of the most often used methods, professional pest control organizations continue to utilize wooden snap traps to catch mice.

Making your property and house less enticing to rodents

Keep your garbage cans covered, and don't leave any extra food or water out for your pets. Get the fruit off the trees and anything else the rats could devour. Unfortunately, this also includes birdseed. There's nothing wrong with appreciating avian life, but remember that birdseed benefits more than birds. The birdseed attracts rodents.

Eliminating potential nesting or hiding spots around the house

Rats tend to congregate in areas with dense undergrowth. Thinning out this sort of expansion is essential. Additionally, keep any dense vegetation well away from the home. Mice can easily access the house by chewing through the siding and hiding in the overgrown vegetation.

The same goes for bushes and trees too close to the home; cut them back. Bushes and trees are highways for rats to travel between your home's interior and exterior.


Purchasing low-priced wooden snap traps and performing thorough cleaning and sealing will effectively rid your home of rats without breaking the bank. You can win the battle against rats if you remember these rat removal Guelph fundamentals.

For more details check our website https://www.ecopestcontrolinc.ca/rat-removal-guelph-professional-services